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Marine and Coastal Dinamics

Explaining questions of Brazilian coastal system history, paleoceanography, and paleoclimatology, with a particular emphasis on biosphere response to changes in the ocean-climate (sea level fluctuations) and sedimentary depositional system through time.

This is the website for the Sedimentology and Environmental Dynamics Group and Laboratory of Oceanography and Climate at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo - Campus Piúma.

We welcome you to explore the website to find out more about our group and lab members, related courses, research interests, publications, and our facilities.


Fernando A. Silva
Rodrigo Pontes


Débora C. L. Miranda
Angela E. Torres
Sérgio P. Nunes
Nisya Robelly



Supported by



Claudia A. Coutinho
Larissa Santos
Giordana Maciel


1. Mangrove dynamics
2. Climate change
3. Coastal biodiversity
4. Sea level fluctuations


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40. Vanessa da Conceição Pinheiro - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2017-2019)

39. Victor Rocha Carvalho - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2017-2019)

38. Fernando Augusto Borges da Silva - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2016-2018)

37. Beatriz Figueiredo - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2016-2018)

36. Jaine Freitas - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2016-2018)

35. Patrícia Silva Rodrigues - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2016-2018)

34. Allana Queiroz de Azevedo - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2016-2018).

33. Edson José Louzada Batista - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2015-2017).

32. Charline Morel - M.S. Federal Institute of Pará (2016-2017).

31. Walmir de Jesus Lima Junior - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2014-2016).

30. Caio Moraes Alves - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2014-2016).

29. Mayra Nina Araújo - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2013-2015).

28. Nedra Nunes Oliveira - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2013-2015).

27. Samuel Rodrigues Ribeiro - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2013-2015).

26. Neuza Araújo Fontes - M.S. Federal University of Pará (2011-2013).

25. Luis Henrique do Nascimetno Leal - Grad. Federal Institute of Pará (2008-2010).

24. Claudia Maria de Jesus - Grad. Federal Institute of Pará (2014-2016).

23. Thaiciane Reis de Oliveira - Grad. Federal Institute of Pará (2014-2016).

22. Andreza da Silva Coelho - T.M.  Federal Institute of Pará (2015-2016).

21. Cryssia da Costa Romão - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2015-2016).

20. Luan Alcino de Matos - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2015-2016).

19. Rynna Naiara Santos de Sousa - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2015-2016).

18. Plácido Cardoso de Oliveira Neto - B.Sc. University of Pará (2014-2015).

17. João Paulo Pimenta - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2010-2011).

16. Carlos de Tacio - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2010-2011).

15. Fabrycio Nascimento - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2010-2011).

14. Adrielly Albuquerque - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2010-2011).

13. Claudio Rodrigues - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2010-2011).

12. Joseane Chaves Gomes - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009-2010).

11. João Edivaldo Lobato - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009-2010).

10. Erika Teixeira Santos - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009-2010).

9. Igor Paulo Ribeiro Tomaz - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

8. Antônio Marcio Rodrigues dos Anjos - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

7. Luiz H. Nascimento - Grad. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

6. Raul Henrique da Silva Pinheiro - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

5. Leonel Furtado Ferreira - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

4. Wandréia de Oliveira Silva - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

3. Necy Braga - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

2. Marcus Vinicius Moura Viana - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).

1. Luciany do Socorro de Oliveira Sampaio - T.M. Federal Institute of Pará (2009).


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